Friday, January 31, 2020
Shewin Memorandum 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Shewin Memorandum 1 - Essay Example . Blabber newspaper has only 3 women on upper level of management. . She has worked in the company for a period of 6 years without promotion yet Whiz who is only 26 years of age and with inadequate experience has been offered the post Shewin applied A 26-year-old new recruit by the name of whiz was considered for position she also applied . Senior employees in the company have been heard speculating on when she will retire. . The company only has five African American employees. . Question of Locusstandiis requisite in bringing this cause of since the level and type of engagement between Miss Shewin and the company must be ascertained to enable the court to hear her case. . Remedies available for Miss Shewin in an event of success of his case Sexual Harassment Crude sexual behaviors Ill language against pregnant women Miss Shewin’s interview at the restaurant did not dwell on professional issues but were majored on social questions . Male employees in the company discuss socia l issues including sexual experiences with their girlfriends over the weekend, which is not checked by the company managers despite protest by Miss Shewin. This case instance presents a critical analysis of rights of employees in a work premise as accorded by law. It details a brief operation of the America legal system to facilitate a proper understanding on how to tackle this legal issue. The American labor and employment laws are sourced from a variety of legal sources, including, constitutional law, statutory law being rules extracted from statutes, administrative regulations, and common law, which includes unwritten customs, principles and rules and case law (Hart 56). These sources are available on different levels, including: - federal and state constitutions, federal and state statutes and administrative regulations by both federal and state agencies, case law by both federal and state courts. In other circumstances however, these laws can be extracted from municipal laws as well. This therefore presents job places with often challenging circumstances of legal requirements and obligations that do not always align (Patterson 98). In case of a conflict or inconsistency between federal and state law, then the law that establishes stricter standard supersedes that whose penalty is less strict. In case of a conflict that cannot be resolved by application of the stricter standard, then the federal law preempts the state law (SS). Miss Shewin case elicits several issues under laws of employment including, discrimination on gender basis, race, sexual harassment of workers as an affirmative action and the extent which the law protects employees in a working place. It is significant to commence this discussion by establishing if Miss Shewin has sufficient locus standi to bring legal complaint against the Blabber newspaper. Locus standi is the legal right to bring an action, to be heard in court, or to address the court on a matter before it. It is the ability of a party to demonstrate to the court sufficient connection to and harm from the action challenged to support that party’s participation in the case. Locus standi in this case can be traced from the legal relationship that existed between Miss Shewinand the Blabber Newspaper. It must be traced if there was a legal contract between the two parties and if the same stipulated
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Process of Hiking The Appalachian Trail :: Health Nutrition Diet Exercise Essays
Process of Hiking The Appalachian Trail The Appalachian National Scenic Trail, is a footpath in the eastern United States for outdoor enthusiasts, extending about about 2140 miles from Maine to Georgia, along the crest of the Appalachian Mountains. The trail passes through 14 states and is maintained by 34 different trail maintenance organizations. It is the longest marked, continuous footpath in the world, at some points reaching elevations of more than 6000 feet. Wooden signposts and white paint marks on rocks and trees are placed along the trail. Construction of the Appalachian Trail was begun in 1922 near Bear Mountain, New York. By 1937 the footpath, extended from Mount Katahdin, in Maine, to Mount Oglethorpe, in Georgia, and was ready for use. Later, (after 1937) the trail officially ended at Springer Mountain, 10 miles northeast of Mount Oglethorpe. In 1968 the Appalachian Trail became part of the National Park System and was officially renamed the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. To hike the Appalachian Trail, it is suggested to shop around for a good pair of hiking boots, a tent, and a sturdy backpack. Hiking the distance mentioned above obviously requires excellent footwear, and a light pack. Figure in fatigue and you need a comfortable tent to sleep in at night. Good boots are "solid" on the bottom, so that you cant feel rocks or stones through the soles. If you can press in the bottom of the sole with your thumb, the soles are probably too soft to give your foot proper protection. The top of the boot should be stiff to hold the ankle in place and provide it with good support. While it's possible to treat non- waterproof fabric boots with liquid silicone, it generally doesn't waterproof the boot enough to be useful. Stick with leather boots that can be treated with Sno-seal, beeswax solution, or other waterproofing solutions. Feet change over time, as do shoes. Wearing a pair of shoes and/or hiking boots changes the shape of the shoe to fit your foot. Eventually though, the reshaping causes the shoe to rub places on the foot, causing blisters. All boots are made on different "lasts". The last is the "form" the boot is built around at the factory. The size and shape of these lasts, even between identical sizes of boots, can vary greatly. For instance, some boots are built around a European last which is typically narrow in the
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Publicity Strategy Used by the Dot in Bukidnon
Promotional tool is defined as a communication link between sellers and buyers for the purpose of influencing, informing, or persuading a potential buyers purchasing decision retrieved from wikipedia. This will help the product to be well- known to the public. Promotional tool is to very important in commercial and non commercial industries like hospitals, school and universities to arouse their marketing interest. Televisions, radio, newspapers, internet and word-of-mouth are some common forms used in promotion. A very good promotional tool will help a particular business to gain more profit because of the market popularity about the product. The more familiar the product is the more possibility that he market will demand on it, that is why promotional tool of particular firm should be well developed, convenient to the public and applicable to the market. Business industries are one of the sectors in the industry that uses promotional tool for the awareness of the market and their product. Aside from that is the tourism industry. Tourism may be defined as a travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes (wikipedia). Tourism brings money to the public by tourist spots. A very good tourist spots will lead to a progressive living, as what Sec. Ace Durano (said) â€Å"kung maraming turismo maraming trabaho†and that is really true, because a single tourist spot can give profit to many businesses. An example is a tourist who dines in restaurant could give benefit to the restaurant and the restaurant will purchase new ingredients from the market which will give the market a profit, and the market will buy again supplies from the farmers. And that is the greatest effect of tourism in the country and the most important tool for a good and progressive tourism in promoting. Bukidnon became very well known because of its asset which is tourism. Philippines is not rich financially but it’s abundant in natural tourist spots. There are many tourist spots in the different regions of the country. These tourist spots become familiar to other countries because of a good promotional tool that the government used. Tourism really developed, if a good promotional tool will be used. The Department of Tourism (DOT) uses internet, televisions, newspapers, brochures, and even in some appliances like the very well known Magic Sing which uses the different tourist spots in the Philippines as its background. Those are some of the advertising techniques that they used. The researchers, being the residents of Bukidnon, want to know the promotional tool used by the Department of Tourism of Buidnon’s tourist spots. It has been observed that tourist spots in Bukidnon do not even know other tourist spots in Bukidnon and even on the location of the tourist spots. The researcher focuses on the promotional tool used in tourism industry in Bukidnon to know the reasons why it is not familiar, and conduct a study to know the specific rules and approaches used in solving problem on the not well known tourist spots in Bukidnon. Conceptual Framework This study is based on the concept of Libed (1980), that region X has been singled out of te major tourist destinations in 1979. It was reported that 179 international tourist had been recorded to have visited the province. By that, promotional tools are focused on this study to promote Bukidnon natural tourist spots. According to McDonough and Ackert (2002), Promotion is the activities of people to communicate with others about business. In tourism, this includes wide variety of activities including brochures, billboards and newspaper ads. Promotion also includes careful planning. Accordingly there are four main promotional tools: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity. Developing an effective promotional strategy demands more than just being aware of the tools of promotion. Promotion is an ongoing process that requires much planning. And a strategy is a careful plan. The schematic diagram in Fig. 1 illustrates the four main promotional tools and its effectiveness. The first frame shows the promotional tools. Under promotional tools first is publicity. Publicity strategy generates new tourist and increase sales, creates awareness of products by providing information about new or unique aspects (retrieved from publicity ship. com). Advertising is a form of communication that intends to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some actions upon products. These include wall paintings, billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers, radio, cinema, television ads, web banner, magazines, newspapers and etc. Personal selling is an oral communication with potential buyers with the intention in making sale. The personal seller may focus initially on developing a relationship with the potential buyer, but will ultimately end with an attempt to â€Å"close the sales†. This may include negotiation on same travel and for operators. Sales promotion, a media or non-media marketing communication are employed or pre-determined and limited time to determine customer demand. Examples are contest, point of purchase displays, rebate, free travel such as free flights. The second frame is on the effectiveness of the tools used by the Department of Tourism. This will be identified through distributing questionnaires to the respondents. Showing the list of natural tourist spots and the different promotional tools that are possibly used. The respondents may identify the questionnaire of particular tourist spots if familiar or not. Fig. 1 Schematic diagram showing the variables of the study. Statement of the Problem. This study investigates publicity strategies used by the Department of Tourism to promote the tourist spots of Bukidnon. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions. What are the promotional tools used by the Department of Tourism in promoting Bukidnon’s natural tourist spots? How effective are the strategies used by the Department of Tourism in promoting the popularity of the Bukidnon’s tourist spots. Significance of the Study As this research is concerned with the promotional tool used by the Tourism, this study will refresh the ideas and strategies in promotion. This study is hope to shed light to the following. Department of Tourism of Bukidnon shall have an action towards promoting natural tourist spots. However, this study is one way to make province of Bukidnon show its hidden land of magnificent and infinitely varied scenery of mountains, caves, forests, lakes, waterfalls, rivers and streams. For the Department of Tourism and staff and officials, this study will provide them an information and ideas how they promote natural tourist spots of the said province. It also serves as a basis to provide them on how to maintain and manage the promotional tool in order that it will remain its identity as one of the most visited spots in the country. For the people in the community who receive the indirect benefit of the study , this study will help them to start their simple source of income. It will help lessen the number of overseas workers. It will help the economic stability of the province as it increases its per capita income. It will also increase the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), increase in foreign revenue and develop small industries. For the student whose inclinations are in tourism industry, this will help them in the different promotional tools used by the DOT. Consequently, they will learn how these promotion strategies are done. Delimitation of the Study This study is delimited to the DOT’s promotional tools for Bukinon’s tourist spots for years 2010-2011. It is further delimited to the promotion of natural tourist spots that need to be promoted domestically and internationally. To gather needed data, a self-made questionnaire will be used. It will be distributed to number of respondents, computed by slovin’s formula. Definition of Terms The following terms are defined theoretically or operationally. Promotional tool. This term is one of the elements of marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and distribution). It is the communication link between sellers and buyers for the purpose of influencing, informing or persuading a potential buyer’s purchasing decision. In this study promotional tool is a strategy used by the DOT to promote Bukidnon’s natural tourist spots. Tourist spots. These are places of interest where tourists visit typically for inherent or exhibited cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, or amusement opportunities (Reyn Ramas).
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
SING SING SING Essay examples - 1262 Words
SING SING SING I used to always go over to my grandparent’s house and watch my grandfather go crazy over this â€Å"Jazz†music. He explained to me that it wasn’t Jazz unless it swung like the greats. I listened to a song â€Å"Sing Sing Sing†the other day from one of my Jazz collections that my grandpa gave to me and realized that their was so much energy and pizzazz in this music. He explained to me that it was all put together by a guy named Benny, and I understood why. Benny Goodman, born Benjamin David in 1909, one of twelve children, grew up in a Chicago ghetto with his family, who fled Russian anti-Semitism. Encouraged by his father, an immigrant tailor, to learn a musical instrument, Goodman took up the clarinet at a young†¦show more content†¦In Los Angeles, the band created a sensation, essentially starting the swing era. In fact, Goodman became known as the King of Swing (Collier, 1989). Swing was the dominant idiom of the 1930s and much of the 1940s. Basically, it was a form of dance music played by a large band, and was the medium through which most white Americans first heard Jazz (Schuller,1989). Although the decade 1935-45 was called the Swing Era, swing arrangements had been played by large bands beginning in the 1920s. Bandleader-arrangers Fletcher Henderson, Duke Ellington, and, later, Count Basie, worked out arrangements for their 10 to 12 piece bands, which, unlike traditional jazz bands, were divided into instrumental sections. The rhythm section (piano, guitar, bass, and drums) maintained a steady, even beat; the saxophone and brass sections countered each other with harmonized riffs and repeated figures, with section leaders improvising over this background (Stewart, 1979). Utilized almost exclusively for dancing, the music of the big bands borrowed heavily from the techniques introduced by Henderson. Among the most popular bands were those led by Goodman, Glenn Miller, Woody Herman, the Dorsey brothers, and Artie Shaw. As a counterpart of the highly arranged orchestrations of these New York-based bands, a Kansas City swing style developed under the influence of Count Basie and Bennie Moten that emphasized a bluesShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Guarding Sing Sang By Ted Conover1089 Words  | 5 PagesThe book NewJack: Guarding Sing Sing by Ted Conover is an profound book to read it gave me a great glimpse of how the prison life really is and how you can put yourself in comparing how Hollywood movies or TV shows displays them. Conover discuss about the history of Sing Sing prison since 1826. It was an authentic and straight forward of how the prison life is especially for those who want to pursue as a correctional officers. It gav e two perspectives one from the guards and the other by the inmatesRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings1445 Words  | 6 PagesPresentation I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is a self-portraying record of Maya Angelou that shows how cherish for writing and having a solid character can assume a huge part in conquering bigotry and misery. Throughout the story, it is clear that Maya changes from being a setback of bigotry to end up distinctly a young lady with self-nobility and character that helps her to conquer partiality. The setting of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings concentrates on the issues connected with bigotry thatRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings1482 Words  | 6 Pages Maya Angelou tells of her life experiences and struggles in her book â€Å"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings†that gives us insight about Maya’s life as a young black girl growing up in a time of racism. The novel discusses various forms of oppression that she had to face as well cope with them. Robert A. Gross wrote an analysis for Newsweek about the book and claimed that Angelou’s book is not only an interest ing story of her own experience, but also a portrayal of a Southern black communityRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings1555 Words  | 7 Pages2014, she was an Activist, acclaimed American poet, storyteller and autobiographer. However, all her accomplishments were born out of abuse, violence, neglect and pain, that she wrote about in her autobiographical novel, I know why the caged bird sings which was published in 1969. In the book, she wrote not only about the conflicts that plagued her for much of her life but also how the role they played in her life. Particular problem areas discussed include, the difficulties she experienced duringRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings1126 Words  | 5 PagesAngelou was a gifted woman with one of the greatest voices of African American literature. Previously known as Marguerite Johnson, she was one of the most important women of our time. She was best known for her autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Not only was Maya An gelou able to overcome all the racial discriminations and interferences that she endured growing up, she was also able to prove to many people what a successful African American author and activist she was. She was a woman whoRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings948 Words  | 4 Pagesand award-winning author known for her acclaimed memoir I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and her many poetry and essay collections. So many things happen to Maya Angelou but she was amazing and a brave woman too not everyone would be same after what happen to her. Maya Angelou has become the most amazing singer, dancer, actress, poet and writer she is even an author of autobiography â€Å"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings†a book that tells the things that setback and helped Maya to be who she is now. SheRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Essay1097 Words  | 5 Pagesis one of the few recognisable civil rights activist working right beside Martin Luther Jr and many other leaders incl uding presidents. Working in the Reagan and Bush ad ministry. She wrought a best-selling auto biography â€Å"I know why the caged bird sings†. Trough-out her legacy she continuously created poems promoting civil rights from her personal and social views. â€Å"still I rise â€Å"is one of her earlier working but is still consider one of the greatest poems on discussing the social views at the timeRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings2695 Words  | 11 Pages I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings According to Willard Scott, â€Å"Positive Feelings come from being honest about yourself and accepting your personality, and physical characteristics, warts and all; and, from belonging to a family that accepts you without question.†Maya Angelou illustrates this in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, an autobiography on herself. It illustrates Maya Angelou’s struggles of accepting herself because of some cruel experiences in her life. Maya was an African American girlRead MoreEssay on I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings1048 Words  | 5 Pagesthe way she grows up and the person she becomes. Despite some of her tragic circumstances, she learns a lot growing up, mainly because of the African-American women in her life who teach her all different life lessons. In I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Marguerite gets to absorb teachings from her mother (Vivian), Mrs. Bertha Flowers, and her grandmother (Momma). These women allow Marguerite to learn and grow as an African-Amer ican female, all while paving her own way. Marguerite and her brotherRead MoreI Know Why The Caged Bird Sings2495 Words  | 10 PagesIn the memoir, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou presents the theme: coming of age. This theme is shown throughout the book many times, especially when something big happens to her, changing the way that she reacts to things and the way that she sees things. Another way that this theme is shown throughout the book is the way that she words things in the beginning, vs the way that she words things in the end. The change in her writing style and her language shows this. Not only was she
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