Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Biomechanics of Volleyball - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1007 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/04/02 Category Sports Essay Level High school Tags: Volleyball Essay Did you like this example? The biomechanics of athletes playing volleyball, when an athlete goes to spike the ball their arms swing up. When you jump up for an increased vertical hit your body has to produce enough energy for you to be able to spike the ball over the net. There for your body has to be able to produce that energy so you must: exercise, eat healthy and have a proper workout routine to make sure you are staying healthy and fit. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Biomechanics of Volleyball" essay for you Create order A proper workout routine for a volleyball player/athlete would be to make sure your working out your upper legs, hamstrings, quadriceps, calf muscles. In order for you to get better or stronger you are going to have to practice more often and make sure youve got that proper form for when you have to serve which would be having your feet about shoulder width apart then Placing your foot opposite of your hitting hand in front of the other foot and make sure your knees are bent. Proper form for when spiking would be making sure your behind the 10-foot line then you would Face the ball and bend your knees so youre ready to move quickly then step and swing your arms back to get ready for the strike then jump up with your body at least 30 degrees from the net with your arms above your head and your dominate hand should be bent at a 90 degree angle and hit the center of the ball {information from wikiHow how to spike a volleyball and 3 ways to serve a volleyball} . The biomechanics of volleyball can help prevent injury, improve technique, and make an athlete perform to the best of his/her ability. Volleyball requires you to be able to have that upper strength and arm and leg strength especially when your serving, spiking etcetera . Your body is constantly moving around and when your moving, jumping or running your legs are having to jump up in the air so you can spike but spiking also requires upper body strength and leg strength. When playing in volleyball or any sport in general your body has to be healthy but if you arent doing any good for your body then youll be sick most of the time and wont be able to play all the time because youll be home sick so make sure your taking care of yourself. When your body is producing energy for you to be able to do anything such as playing sports or clean ing or anything that has to be done that is part of your daily routine and it doesnt have enough nutrients and vitamins to produce that needed energy. The most important vitamins for your body are vitamin B12 because Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep the bodys nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells. After this, vitamin B12 combines with a protein made by the stomach called intrinsic factor and is absorbed by the body it also helps form red blood cells and maintain the central nervous system. As said In . However Vitamin B12 isnt the only vitamin your body needs there are others but Vitamin B12 is the most important. Also vitamins D and E are very important because Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and Vitamin E Is a fat-soluble nutrient found in many foods. In the body, it acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals. {Information found at and .} As an athlete your body may require more nutrients and more protein than others just because as an athlete your b ody may be more active than others so youre going to need more proteins and nutrients so your body has that energy for whatever sport youre playing. As for a person doesnt play sports or isnt as active yes , you still need vitamins and nutrients because if u dont take them then you wont have much energy and wouldnt be taking care of your body. Taking care of your body is very important! To make sure your taking care of your body u must: 1) hydrate yourself because most people sweat during exercise. How much depends on the intensity of their workout, the environment, and even the athletes genes. Drinking enough fluids before, during, and after exercise will keep you from becoming dehydrated. 2) Eat enough Carbs because carbohydrates are the main fuel that your body burns during exercise. According to a 2009 article by the ACSM, people who exercise at any level should obtain 50 to 60 percent of their daily calories from carbohydrates. 3) learn how to spread out your protein, how much protein you need depends not only on your size, but also on the type of exercise you do. The ACSM recommends that people obtain 15 to 20 percent of their daily calories from protein. 4) maintain a healthy diet overall When thinking about exercise nutrition, its easy to focus on what you eat or drink right before or after your workouts. But what you eat and drink throughout the day matters just as much. ( information from 4 ways to fuel your body like a pro athlete health line ). The role of Biomechanics can play a crucial role in both injury prevention as well as performance enhancement . I t is important for athletes of all ages and skill levels to understand the importance of education to develop proper mechanics. Education can come in multiple forms, but with the emphasis on the visual learner in todays society, visual feedback is one of the most effective ways to modify an athletes technique and allow them to perform at the most efficient level possible. An athletes ability to perform efficiently and injury free are two key features in performance outcome and can both be improved with Biomechanical analysis as said in ( that concludes the biomechanics of a athlete playing volleyball.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Senior Year At High School - 1649 Words
There comes a point in everyone s life where they know where they want their lives to go. What path they want to take, where they want to be in 5 years, but there are also some people who have absolutely no idea what their doing. I, unfortunately, am one of those people. Towards the end of my senior year in high school I wasn t thinking of what I was going to do. I didn t have a job and I hadn t even applied for one college yet. And this of course was getting on my mom s nerves. â€Å"It’s time for you to grow up and get serious, I don t want you to end up cleaning houses or struggling when you can get an education she told me as we ate our dinner, by tomorrow I want you to at least begin to apply for a job. I remembered that my old Taekwondo Master was looking for people to help him and had offered me a job. I want over to the school to see if the offer was still on the table. I m looking for instructors but you re only a orange belt. If you wouldn t have stopped coming for six months you could have already been a red belt at least. he said with a blank look on his face. But I really need help right now, so I think we can work this out. You can come to classes everyday, learn all the belt forms and techniques, and every two or three weeks you can take your belt exam without having to wait a month. So if you practice, put a lot of work into this, by December you will get to black belt. Usually if someone wanted to get their black belt it would take up to two yearsShow MoreRelatedMy Senior Year In High School760 Words  | 4 PagesMy Senior Year in High School was More Fun than Work As I walked across what appeared to be a mile-long stage to receive my diploma, I realized I had put in a lot of hard work leading up to that moment, but my senior year was not one of them. I enjoyed myself as much as possible during my senior year and was able to have some of the best times of my life that I will remember forever. 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Birthing Cermonies Of Other Cultures Essay Research free essay sample
Give birthing Cermonies Of Other Cultures Essay, Research Paper Give birthing Cermonies of Other Cultures The parturition ceremonials of the Indian civilization has a batch of different facets so the American civilization does. I guess that is why they are different civilizations. All civilizations have different positions on different things such as faith, but they besides portion the same every bit good for illustration every civilization has some signifier of the household. This is what helps most civilizations understand other civilizations. In the Indian civilization their position of conveying a kid into the universe is much different so the American civilization # 8217 ; s position. In the Indian civilization there are a batch of readyings that go into acquiring the parents and the community ready for the new member. Their civilization does more work with the kid before they are even born. First of all programs are made for them so they know who is traveling to be at that place to witness the kid being born into their society. They are normally the grandparents, the representatives, and the Godparents that were selected by the parents and the representatives. The female parent is to maintain on working as she did before the babe is born. They say that this shows the kid the importance of work in their civilization. During the gestation, around the 7th month, the female parent introduces the babe to the natural universe. She does this by taking walks in the Fieldss and over the hills. They believe that the babe is consciously taking all of this in to prepare him/her for life within that civilization. When the babe is born none of the female parents kids should be about. The lone people there are the 1s that were chosen by the representatives and the parents. If person can non do it so person will hold to make full in for them. The lone people besides kids who are non allowed to see are the individual adult females. The lone manner that they can go to is if there is no 1 else to travel. There has to be three twosomes at the birth of the kid, the kid doesn # 8217 ; t merely belong to the parents but to the community every bit good. It is considered to be a dirt if an Indian adult females goes to a infirmary to hold a babe. For the female parents other kids there are non to cognize where or how the babe is born. Merely the three twosomes know where the kid is born. The kids are told that a babe has arrived and they can non see their female parent for eight yearss. After the babe is born the placenta has to be burned at a certain clip. If the babe was born at dark so it is burned at eight in the forenoon and if the babe is born in the afternoon so it will be burned at five in the afternoon. It is normally burnt on a log and the ashes are merely left at that place. They will non bury it because they believe that the Earth is the female parent and male parent to all kids, and the Earth must non hold it abused by burying it in the land. During the gestation, seeing how the female parent has no clip to loosen up, they take these steam baths. In an adobe hut there is a range, called a temascal, which is were the placenta can be burned besides, which produces steam that is supposed to quiet the adult females down. This range is made of rock. The rocks are heated up and so the door is shut and so cold H2O is poured on the stones and this makes steam. This is said to forestall the female parent from holding a abortion. A batch of times they add Herb # 8217 ; s and leaves to the bath which helps them loosen up every bit good as supply them with foods. The female parent normally takes this after work so that she can kip and acquire up and make it all over once more tomorrow. The pureness of the kid is protected after birth for eight yearss. The newborn babe is entirely with its female parent for these eight yearss. None of the other kids can see the kid for this clip frame. The female parents merely visitants are the people who bring her nutrient. This clip frame is the babe integrating into the household. When the kid is born they kill a sheep and there is a small fete merely for the household. The neighbours start coming to see and convey gifts. the gifts they bring are normally nutrient for the female parent, or something for the babe. The female parent has to savor all of the nutrient that is brought to her, that is to demo her grasp for their kindness. After the eight yearss are over the household counts up how many visitants the female parent had, and how many nowadayss were received. The normal gifts are eggs, vesture, little animate beings, wood for the fire, and services like transporting H2O and chopping wood. If a batch of the community calls or visits, this shows how the kid will turn up and have a batch of duty. After the eight yearss another animate being is killed to demo that the kid # 8217 ; s right to be entirely with his female parent is over. All of the apparels and sheets that she used during the birth are taken to the river to be washed, no affair how far off it is. After the babe is born they are given a little bag with a small Allium sativum, calcium hydroxide, salt, and baccy. This is to guard off all of the evil liquors. When the kid reaches 40 yearss old there are addresss and promises on his behalf, this is his baptism. At around ten old ages old the parents and the leaders talk to them once more. They tell them that they must neer mistreat their self-respect. They besides remind them about the ascendants who were dishonored by the white adult male. They besides make certain they remind them to esteem their seniors, and besides pregnant adult females. There is a difference in ceremonials for the two different genders. For case when a miss is born there aren # 8217 ; t about every bit many jubilations as there are for a male child. They say this is because of all the difficult work and duties he will hold as an grownup. The misss ears are pierced at the same clip they cut the umbilical cord. Besides the male kid is given an excess twenty-four hours with his female parent. All of this doesn # 8217 ; t average misss aren # 8217 ; t valued their work is difficult to and there are certain things due to them as a female parent. They topographic point gender functions sort of like we used to with the adult females remaining place and taking attention of the childs and the adult male gaining a life for his household. Our civilization has many different features so the Indian P > civilization in the manner of giving birth and raising kids. In the Indian civilization they consider the babe owned by the community every bit good as by the parents, and in ours they merely belong to the parents. Unless they are proven to be unfit parents the kid belongs to the province. Besides in their civilization they make certain there are three twosomes at that place to have the kid while it is being delivered. This is different so our usage where the lone 1 allowed to watch is the male parent of the kid. In their civilization after the birth the female parent and the kid are hidden off and reasonably much left entirely for eight or nine yearss depending if its a male child or a miss. This is the clip in our civilization where the female parent and kid are being seen by household and friends. Besides for their civilization the female parent is pushed on to go on to work as she was earlier where as for ours we encourage the female parent to take it easy and in some instances to remain off her pess even. Another thing is that they don # 8217 ; t let adult females to give birth in a infirmary because it is considered to be degrading. In our civilization most adult females try to hold their babes in a infirmary, but some can # 8217 ; t assist but holding them in different topographic points like a auto, plane, or a boat. The following narrative that I read had to cover with the induction of a warrior. The manner you are initiated is by through Circumcision. This is done by utilizing a crisp knife to cut the tegument in the most sensitive portion of your organic structure. There are demands that you must follow like you can # 8217 ; t Budge, travel a musculus or even wink. You can merely confront one way. The slightest motion on your portion means you are a coward and unworthy to be a Maasia adult male. When they are circumcised they have entered maturity. If you are non brave during the process so there are effects like the households herd will be beaten until they stampede off, all of the slaughtered cattle and honey beer will travel to waste, his nutrient would be spit on and he would be expected to eat it or else he would acquire a terrible whipping. He will besides be called the knife kicker which is an abuse. When it becomes clip for the ceremonial they pour ice cold H2O over his caput. After he is done agitating he is told to sit down. Then a big crowd of male childs and work forces organize a semi-circle in forepart of the him, adult females are non allowed to watch. Next the circumciser appears and catch the knifes, which have been guarded by the male child. Next he spreads the male childs legs and announces? One Cut? this is so the male child can non state he was caught off guard. Then a white pigment is splashed in the boys face, and this is where it begins. After the film editing is over with he calls for milk so he can rinse the knives. There is a batch of blood lost during this so it takes a piece for them to recover from this. After they are able to walk and make material once more they join other freshly circumcised male childs. During convalescence they are protected from the cold and the rain. They are non allowed to even touch their nutrient because they are considered to be dirty alternatively they are given these particular sticks to eat with. When they are healed their caputs are shaved and the black cloaks are thrown off, this is when they are considered to be Maasia warriors. In our society most kids are circumcised when they are born with some exclusions, but the parents are given the pick after they are born. In our society you wouldn # 8217 ; t be considered to be any less of a adult male if this was done to you and you screamed in hurting. in our civilization we don # 8217 ; t set that much into our ceremonials as they do and besides tradition doesn # 8217 ; t play that large of a function in our society. The following narrative is about the same operation but on a adult females. This is common in the in-between E. The belief is that by taking parts of the misss genitalias the sexual desire is minimized hence continuing their virginity until they are married. This is a high hazard process intending at that place have been a few deceases related to this being done. Unlike the last narrative adult females are allowed to kick and shout every bit much as they want, or at least attempt because there are adult females keeping down each limb which makes it difficult to travel. A batch of adult females who have had this done say they had the feelings before it was done but now they weren # 8217 ; t as strong as they were earlier. This process can do long term effects on a adult females psychological every bit good as physical. This about neer happens in our society unless it is perfectly necessary, but I guess that is because virginity is taken lightly and non considered sacred in our society. I would trust that after a while these societies will halt this process but until so they will go on to make it. This civilization believes that virginity is more of import for a adult female so a adult male. This is like our society where your manfulness is ranked by how many adult females you slumber with, but for adult females they are called slatterns if they sleep with more work forces so person else did. In our society I believe we want to handle everyone the same but to me it doesn # 8217 ; t seem like we are making a really good occupation of it. My following narrative is about another induction but this is into a folk of headhunters. The trial began when they had him put down in a cavity of carnivorous emmets. He had to put at that place until they gave him a signal to acquire up because it was over. The trial doesn # 8217 ; t halt there following was he had to travel into the forests without any arms or nutrient and survive for three yearss and darks while three headhunters are runing you down. If you fail this portion of the trial so they do a ritual utilizing your caput, but if you pass you are eventually allowed to fall in them as headhunters. They apply gender functions sort of like we did. The male has to be strong and non a coward whereas the female is dependent on the male. In our society we have a batch of inductions that go on like for nines, sorority, fraternity, but none of them are normally this much based on bravery most of them are based on abashing you. I think that these four narratives show you how your society is non the lone 1 and besides it is non the best but merely different from all of the others.
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