Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on The Media Violence Debate - 3490 Words

THE MEDIA VIOLENCE DEBATE Introduction Television and video games are favorite ways teenagers spend their leisure hours. Parents and teens themselves have wondered about their effects because of numerous concerns raised with regards to the negative influences that these form of entertainment bring. Many of today’s children grow up with a television at home or even in their own rooms and there have been studies dedicated to the analysis of their impact of a young child growing up to adolescence. Young children are heavily influenced by television and video games, many of which are educational. While there are fun educational shows and games that benefit educational†¦show more content†¦How the contents or messages come through changes the attitude of the viewers or readers. The messages that each kind of media exposes are dependent on person’s view. He compares movies and television in their manner of viewing and content saying that the visual presentation presents different types of influences. Medi a as a vessel of influential messages is an essential point to consider to every person who is into the broadcast and print industry. Video Games Violence Video games are a lucrative business anywhere in the world today, claiming US$ 10 billion in sales in the United States alone in one year. However, with this increasing sales come serious concerns about their effects on players, especially teenagers. Researches have been conducted to show the effects of video games on teenagers. Results prove that there is indeed a high possibility and likelihood of aggressive and violent behaviors to be manifested in some adolescents who frequently play violent video games. With these findings, public policy options for limiting distribution of these kind of games are being created; however, the creation and spread of more video games seem too many too stop. In 2006, the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) reported their findings on studies conducted on teenagers who play violent games. These young adolescents show long-lasting effects of abnormal brain functions which includeShow MoreRelatedFor years there’s been a contended d ebate on whether or not violence in the media harms children.800 Words   |  4 PagesFor years there’s been a contended debate on whether or not violence in the media harms children. On television, thousands of murders are being broadcasted to children who are in Elementary School, they are witnesses to hundreds of thousands acts of murder and general violence. In Media Now, ethics come to play and discussions regarding the question who is truly responsible for media effects comes into play? 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